Published on May 16, 2009 By Windisch In Demigod

I know that the pre-orders were all Collector's Edition.  What about if I buy the digital download from Impulse today, would it be CE, or would there be an option to upgrade to CE (cost?).

on May 17, 2009

What about the pre-ordered digital downloads from Impulse?  Don't think any of then were CE.



on May 17, 2009

I thought I read in other posts that all pre-ordered games directly from Stardock were all CE.  I just want to know if thats the case.  Trying to decide if I should buy my copy direct digital download or order the CE from Best Buy.

on May 17, 2009

I thought I read in other posts that all pre-ordered games directly from Stardock were all CE.  I just want to know if thats the case.  Trying to decide if I should buy my copy direct digital download or order the CE from Best Buy.

you can get both from impluse just a dd or a dd and they will send the ce box t you

on May 17, 2009

So the DD is CE?  Or do I have to select something different?

on May 18, 2009

Noone knows?

on May 18, 2009

The DD opition is only DD.


The DD + Retail Box is DD and CE box.  They only have a limited number of CE boxes and after that they will be regular edition boxes, so if you really want CE, you should email

on May 18, 2009

The DD should be CE even now. However, you obviously would not get the Rook miniature with a digital-only buy. Besides that, we're still waiting for them to make the pdfs and the MyColors theme available for the digital only people Unless I missed it..

on May 18, 2009

Ok, thanks for the responses.  I was hoping somebody had an answer.  I think I'll just order from  $41.99 plus free shipping.