I know that the pre-orders were all Collector's Edition. What about if I buy the digital download from Impulse today, would it be CE, or would there be an option to upgrade to CE (cost?).
What about the pre-ordered digital downloads from Impulse? Don't think any of then were CE.
I thought I read in other posts that all pre-ordered games directly from Stardock were all CE. I just want to know if thats the case. Trying to decide if I should buy my copy direct digital download or order the CE from Best Buy.
you can get both from impluse just a dd or a dd and they will send the ce box t you
So the DD is CE? Or do I have to select something different?
Noone knows?
The DD opition is only DD.
The DD + Retail Box is DD and CE box. They only have a limited number of CE boxes and after that they will be regular edition boxes, so if you really want CE, you should email sales@stardock.com.
The DD should be CE even now. However, you obviously would not get the Rook miniature with a digital-only buy. Besides that, we're still waiting for them to make the pdfs and the MyColors theme available for the digital only people Unless I missed it..
Ok, thanks for the responses. I was hoping somebody had an answer. I think I'll just order from buy.com. $41.99 plus free shipping.