Published on May 6, 2009 By Windisch In PC Gaming

Seems to be the case.  Now we'll never know if DNF would be a good game.


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on May 06, 2009

I'm personally glad to see this thing die. Enough of all the waitng and crap. But who knows, maybe some company will buy the unfinished game, and continue the legacy of waiting, or will actually finish the game.

on May 06, 2009

That's odd, because yesterday they just put up a post mentioning their 17th birthday with narry a hint of them going down.

Their online store is currently still up.

I think I'll wait for an official announcement.

on May 07, 2009

This is pretty hilarious considering not two days ago I said to a friend "How in the world is 3D realms still in business?"



on May 07, 2009

They just were hiring for a new level designer too

on May 07, 2009

Releasing games has NOTHING to do with the gaming industry.  (80's Guy)


Oh wait... it does.

on May 08, 2009

Well, they werent doing much of anything, except keeping the industry joke going, and eating fast food.