Published on May 26, 2009 By Windisch In Forum Issues

Is this an option in the forum?  I haven't seen it.  Is this something that might get added in the future?

on May 26, 2009

Sorry, but I don't understand the question. You can receive emails if a member clicks on your name and on "email Windisch" on the dropdown menu that appears...

on May 26, 2009

windisch....I could swear that was an option here earlier with threads you were watching...I think it was lost on the forum updates.

on May 26, 2009

There used to be a watchlist function, but it was discontinued in the big overhaul a while back and has not yet made a return. You can use the My Posts and My Replies pages to keep track of threads you've participated in, though.

on May 26, 2009

I'm pretty sure that somewhere on the bottom parts of his To-Do list, Bara has an item along the lines of "Create a Watched Posts tab" that would effectively replace the old Watch This Post function.

Instead of getting mail every time a reply came to a thread you wanted to follow but not join, you'd be able to see the activity on a page similar to My Replies and My Posts.

I really wanted the email back for a long while, but Bara's idea for a page-based replacement has steadily grown on me and the outrageous flurry of activity spawned by Brad's 'internal debates made external' post has sold me on it. Under the old system, I'd have had *hundreds* pieces of mail to delete.

on May 26, 2009

I understand.  I wouldn't mind 1 email a day that has a digest of all the updates to watched threads.  I have been using the "My Posts" sectionm but I sometimes forget about other threads.


Thanks for the quick responses.